Tag Archives: media

Racist Visions Shown by the Media

22 Mar

Ok, I’m about to pop. With all of the blatant and ignorant racial comments by people in power (and some not so), it’s bugging me that no one is actually talking about the root of the issue.

We can sit around, point fingers, and place blame as long as we want, but until the cause of the problem is addressed, healing cannot begin.

I understand not everyone is interested in such conversations, but I do know that everyone has their own prejudices. Many times they are based on what’s seen on TV rather than

Marcie's Views on Race & Media in America

2 Feb

Race in America

Let me begin by saying that I think that almost everything that happens in America is based on black and white.  I’m not a rebel; I am a realist.  And most of my opinions are based on my reality.

The American media has very interesting ways of creating bonds and divisions based on these two colors.  For the most part, divisions are caused by certain imagery; words used to describe the actions of a group; and other not-so-obvious words and actions by people who control the cameras and thought processes of their audience.

Why am I sharing this? Mostly because I need to kick off topics for As NOT Seen on TV.  Secondly, many people do not realize the power the media has over them until they turn the TV off for an extended period of time and discover that they can actually think on their own.

On a different note…I am so glad President Barack Obama is in office.  Not because he’s black; but because his mere position as a black leader is revealing huge levels of racism that was once kept hidden.  I love it!

While it is disappointing to know how much racism still exists in the 21st century, it is good to know these negative feelings are out in the open.  True feelings are surfacing and cannot be taken back.  And, if race relations do not improve, at least everything is out in the open.

Another great thing about racism being revealed is that a lot of it is being recorded.   So, no, it cannot be taken back.

I said all of that to say that many of my topics about mainstream media will be spurred by my reality of black and white.  Oh, it is coming from a female perspective, too.  Please don’t get offended; let’s engage in mature adult conversation.

If you dislike mainstream media practices as much as I do, feel free to comment.  If you love what they are doing, you are equally welcome.

Let the discussions begin!

Solidarity in Haiti Despite Media Reports on Looting

21 Jan

Check out this report about the bonding  in Haiti despite media reports on looting and lawlessness.

Solidarity in Haiti


Two Terms the Media Use that Annoy Me

6 Jul

Two terms that absolutely, positively annoy me are “untimely death” and “a new body.”  These terms are often used by different media sources for different reasons.

What does “untimely death” mean?  Is a death really ever timely?  Even though we know that we all have to leave this earth at some point, no death is ever “timely.”

Also, when female celebs lose weight or tone up or whatever, it is often referred to as “a new body.”  It is NOT a new body; it is the same body that has undergone transformation.  It is neither old or new; it is different. This is only used to describe a change in weight for females.  I don’t know if has been used in reference to men.  All the more reason to be annoyed.

Just wanted to share.

Lucius Gantt: Controversial but Honest

9 Mar

Lucius Gantt

Lucius Gantt

Even though Lucius Gantt has been seen on TV, read in print and heard on radio, he is worthy of space on my site. I met Lucius in my early stages of journalism. He was a great source of wisdom and encouragement for me back then; and still is today.

Lucius is a bold media professional with a powerful voice. His voice can be heard loudest in The Gantt Report. Heralded as America’s most controversial Black Newspaper column for over 25 years, he covers issues that are relevant to African Americans. He says that he wants to be “a voice for the voiceless.” Therefore, he goes into different neighborhoods; speaks to people about their concerns; and writes about them in The Gantt Report.

Topics in his column are not only controversial; they are also thought-provoking and overly-enlightening. He caused quite a stir with the following question: If Caucasians could style and cut Black hair, would Black people stop going to Black hair salons and barber shops? The reactions and responses to that inquiry were mild compared to the allegations of him “talking about” President Barack Obama in the most recent election. He clarified that he was criticizing the way that the President’s team was handling Black voters and Black media during the campaign. According to Lucius, more African Americans contributed to President Obama’s campaign than any other president, but “White people got all of the money.” He says that “everybody got mad about it [what he said], but they could not say that I was wrong.”

Excerpt taken from The Pine Hills News:
“More Black people have contributed money to the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign than to any presidential effort in history. Black people just want to get some of that money back in the form of patronizing Black community businesses, advertising with Black-owned media outlets and the hiring and utilization of Black political professionals. Barack Obama knows that better than David Axelrod and the other whites he has desired to trust his campaign with.”
Read the entire story at http://thepinehillsnews.com/wp/2008/08/02/obamas-white-media-advisors-causing-black-problems/

As you can see, Lucius does not mind speaking what’s really on his mind, which is why he is regarded as controversial. Some might even consider him a bit radical. Regardless of what people say or think about him, he proudly reports that “no one has ever accused him of writing anything that was not true” in his entire career. Thus, he is both loved and hated for his courage to challenge the status quo while holding tight to honesty in his writings.

His integrity has earned him several honors to date, but only two will be mentioned. First, quotes from The Gantt Report currently share display space with the works of President George Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the McCormick Freedom Museum in Chicago. He was also called upon to handle the Associated Press when George Bush and Al Gore were fighting over votes in Florida during the 2002 election. Although there were many other professionals who could have addressed the situation, his reputation got him the job.

Lucius Gantt’s integrity and courage not only make him a controversial columnist but a media and political powerhouse. He is both adored and abhorred by his audience. To find out why he is considered controversial, and maybe even radical, read his two published books: I Talked about the Beast and Beast Too: Dead Man Writing. Beast Too was just released in January 2009, and can be found at Barnes & Nobles, Borders, Books-A-Million, EBay and Amazon.
