Tag Archives: Notes from Marcie

Resources for Literacy Rates

14 Dec

Literacy rates

I noticed that I’ve been getting a lot of hits for people interested in literacy rates. I reached out to the International Reading Association and received the following list resources.  I hope this helps with your goals.  Be sure to share other literacy sites encounter by leaving a comment below.  Thanks.

Monographs and Reports

ETS has published a number of monographs and reports that detail work on various literacy surveys and studies:

National Center for Education Statistics/ NCES

National Assessment of Educational Progress

Education Trust

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Proliteracy Worldwide

University of Chicago Education Stats

Status of Blogging Book

10 Sep

Update on Blogging Book

I completed a draft of my blogging book during the Blogathon in August.  I tried to upload it to Blog2Print but was experiencing challenges.  After that was resolved, I was having problems with formatting. I have yet to hear from the company, but I’ll call them tomorrow to find out what’s really going on.

Honestly, I feel that these little annoyances are the Spirit’s way of telling me that I am on the right path to where I’m supposed to go.  My goal is to be a published author by October 31, 2010.  That way, I will have a book to sell during my workshops which will enhance my credibility and cash flow.

I thank God for Divine Connections and completed projects.  Just wanted to share!

A Note for Dreamers from Solopreneur Solutions

19 Aug


“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.”

~Richard Bach~

What is it you really want that you may have never considered pursuing? If you have the desire, you absolutely can have the dream materialize in your life. You must believe that you can, and then create a plan, and be willing to change that plan if at first you don’t succeed. What step can you take today?

Why You Shouldn’t Share Your Dreams with Others

1 Aug


I had lunch with someone close to me recently, and I was sharing dreams that had grown from ideas I have and projects I’m working on.  I’m so excited!  As much as I would like to have all of them going right now, it’s not even smart to try to do anything more right now.

So, I thanked “them” for lunch and received this as part of the response.

“I can’t see you have long term successes until you focus on one thing. Right now you are holding bubbles.”

I was disappointed when I read this, but I reminded myself that that is why I shouldn’t share my dreams with others. Anyone who knows me know that writing and blogging are my first loves.  They also know that both are being done through The Write Design Company and Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource.  However, what they don’t know is that Shorty will help me grow The Write Design Company and while that’s happening Shorty will also grow.

Also, I realized that the person I was sharing with really doesn’t understand the full extent of what I do.  They have an idea, but they didn’t totally get it.  Such is life.

I just wanted to share this story as a reminder as to why you shouldn’t share your dreams with others.  Of course, that doesn’t apply to everyone.  Just be mindful of those you do decide to share them with.

I wish you all the best as you work to attain the desires that God placed on your heart.  And stay away from haters and naysayers.

Technology Makes People Cowards

13 Jul


Technology has definitely changed the way people communicate. Some people use it because it is faster and more convenient. Other people use it because they are cowards.

I try to accommodate people’s communication preferences. Personally, I want people to call me. However, I have friends who live by text messaging; other people respond mainly through Facebook. Still, some thrive off of e-mail. I get all of that. But, what is really getting to me are the people who use all of the technology to be cowards.

They will avoid human conversations and contact at all costs. Technology makes this possible. So, how do you communicate effectively with someone who hides behind technology?