My First Blogging Presentation was a Success

16 May

I presented my first blogging presentation on yesterday for my Toastmasters group.  I am so excited.  The feedback was good AND I received so many tips to make it better.  I am going to make all revisions based on the feedback received by Friday. I’m also contemplating the book to accompany the workshop.  That was the first step in moving forward in my business.

Although my presentation went well, it didn’t begin that way.  First of all, I put the thing together on Friday night at around 11:00.  Not smart at all.  I had been thinking about the presentation all week, but did not prepare it until Friday.  THEN, I did not check to find out if the projector worked until 7:00 yesterday morning.  THEN, my printer stopped printing for me so all I had was my intro to my presentation. I was not able to print handouts for my audience. THEN, I left the power cord to the projector at home.  THEN, I had to set up right before my presentation instead of having everything just ready to go.

I learned a lot of lessons yesterday.  The first one is, prepare the presentation at least a week before you need it and print things out at least 3 days before the presentation. Second, arrive and set up early. Third, have a checklist to make sure you have everything you need including extensions cords and extra batteries.  Fourth, have printouts just in case technology fails.  And finally, no matter how well you know your subject, practice. You can only get better.

Despite all the challenges prior to my presentation, it turned out well.  I’m going to revise my presentation and start promoting blogging workshops.  I’m also going to work on a book.


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